The Midwest Eye Centers Surgery Center is accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF) and specializes in the following:
Our Surgery Center is Medicare-approved and we accept most medical insurances. Our surgeons and staff are dedicated to providing the best in ophthalmologic care for vision correcting and vision-saving surgeries. We also provide excellent specialized surgical care for the areas around the eyes.
We understand your upcoming surgery may be an anxious time for you. Your surgery scheduler should have provided you with information about the procedure the surgeon will be performing.
A surgical coordinator or nurse will be contacting you a few days before your procedure to gather some additional information from you and to answer all of your questions.
They will inform you what time you should arrive for your procedure and review food and drink restrictions.
For your safety, you will need to have a trusted friend or family member drive you to your surgery and drive you home.